Enneagram type 6
Enneagram type 6 are the most loyal ones. However, they are quite diligent and responsible. Besides, enneagram 6 tries to be on the safe side always and avoid going towards perceived dangers. However, they would like to maintain good and purposeful relationships with others. Much more, they are exceptionally loyal to people in their circle.
Personality traits
The personality traits of enneagram 6 distinguish them from other enneagram types. Here are their personality traits:
● Basic fear
The enneagram 6 is afraid to get rid of its support systems. Much more, their stability is what they admire the most. However, you can find two kinds of enneagram sixes, healthy and unhealthy. The healthy enneagram six are really loyal to individuals in their circle, and they've great respect because of their relationships. However, the unhealthy enneagram sixes only use their relations as a defensive shield.
● Basic desire
The enneagram type 6's have a basic desire to be loyal to individuals they surround. However, they feel safe this way, which explains why they are loyal to the folks of their circle.
Enneagram type 6 are great people and loyal to others. Moreover, they always desire to feel safe. They also perceive that folks to whom they are loyal will also show their loyalty to them.
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